Are You At-Risk of Fraudulent Tax Professionals This Tax Season?

As tax season rolls around, finding a trustworthy tax preparer is important. Here’s six red flags that could indicate a tax preparer might not have your best interests at heart.

Identifying Fraudulent Tax Professionals: Warning Signs to Avoid

1. Reluctance to Provide Tax Return Copies

A reputable tax pro operates with transparency, always handing over copies of your tax return for your peace of mind and records. However, if your preparer hesitates or gives you your paperwork back, beware. This isn’t just about paperwork – it’s about ensuring you’re not left in the dark or vulnerable to shifty practices.

Identifying Fraudulent Tax Professionals: Warning Signs to Avoid

2. Submission of Tax Returns Without Authorization

Picture this: your tax return submitted without so much as a final review. It’s not just a violation of IRS rules; it’s a breach of trust. Dodgy preparers might pull this stunt to dodge scrutiny or worse, cook the books. Protect yourself – insist on signing off before anything gets filed.

Identifying Fraudulent Tax Professionals: Warning Signs to Avoid

3. Evasion of Client Inquiries and Fee Transparency

Got questions? A top-notch tax pro welcomes them with open arms, shedding light on your tax situation and fees with ease.

Identifying Fraudulent Tax Professionals: Warning Signs to Avoid

4. Extremely Fees for Routine Services

Paying higher than usual prices for routine tax services? Genuine tax pros charge fair prices for their expertise. But if you’re being gouged for the basics, it’s time to look into another tax professional.

Identifying Fraudulent Tax Professionals: Warning Signs to Avoid

5. Seasonal Availability and Limited Contact Information

A reliable pro sticks around, with contact info that’s up to date and reliable. Look at websites and Google for contact information and reviews.

Identifying Fraudulent Tax Professionals: Warning Signs to Avoid

6. Abnormally High Refunds

Ah, the promise of a mega-refund – too good to be true? You bet. Legit tax pros steer clear of making wild guarantees and focus on the facts. Armed with these six red flags, you’re equipped to navigate the murky waters and find a tax pro who’s got your back.

If you’d like to discuss a strategy for your small business and help you with your taxes, Book your free consultation with us today!